Therapy Assistant Services
Our Therapy Assistants offer a wide range of supportive services to ensure your child’s progress. These services are offered under the supervision of the therapist to incorporate the goals determined by the therapist. The therapist may not always be in the room but you can be confident that they are actively involved behind the scenes!

From aiding in speech therapy exercises, where they might help with articulation or practice language development activities, to assisting in physiotherapy sessions, where they could guide through strengthening exercises or balance activities, our therapy assistants are always there to lend a helping hand. Additionally, in occupational therapy sessions, our assistants excel at facilitating sensory integration activities, fine motor skill exercises, and daily living tasks to promote independence and confidence. Our Therapy Assistants are experts at making therapy sessions fun and engaging. From playful activities to creative exercises, they know just how to keep your little ones motivated and excited about their progress.